Václav Jan Tomášek (1774–1850) was a celebrated piano virtuoso of his time and one of Prague’s leading musicians. He also made a name for himself as a teacher. Jan Hugo Voříšek, who was highly gifted, was one of his pupils. Some people might know Tomášek as one of the composers who wrote a movement on Anton Diabelli’s famous waltz. Yet there is a great deal more to be discovered: Our editor Dana Zahn, a renowned connoisseur of the repertoire, provides a wonderful, worthwhile, 120-page cross-section of his music.

곡 리스트

Piano Variations on a well-known theme G major op. 16피아노 5 중

6 Eglogues op. 35  

Eglogue op. 35,1피아노 4 중

Eglogue op. 35,2피아노 5 중

Eglogue op. 35,3피아노 4 중

Eglogue op. 35,4피아노 4 중

Eglogue op. 35,5피아노 5 중

Eglogue op. 35,6피아노 4 중

3 Ditirambi op. 65피아노 7 상

3 Allegri Capricciosi di Bravura op. 84피아노 7 상